What does the myocardium receive nourishment from? - coronary arteries, What separates the right and left sides of heart? - septum, What are the valves of the heart covered by? - endocardium, How is blood oxygenated in the lungs? - alveoli and capillaries, What occurs if the blood supply stops to myocardium  - the heart dies, What's the heart's function? - pump blood to all cells of the body, what's the size of the heart? - size of your fist, What does it mean if an ectopic heart beat is fired ? - firing of heartbeat happens outside the SA Node, WHere is the heart located? - mediastinum, What is the heart classified as? - hollow, muscular organ on left side of body, Where does blood enter when it returns to the heart from the body? - right atrium, Where does inferior vena cava get its blood from? - below the diaphragm, Which are entrance valves of heart? - tricuspid and bicuspid valves, What valves are the semi-lunar valves? - pulmonary and aortic valves, What's the fibrous sac that encloses the heart? - pericardium, What membrane encloses the lungs? - pleura (plural sac), What is the thickest layer of the heart? - myocardium, What happens when the heart is stimulated? - the muscle contracts, What is the myocardium made up of? - cardiac muscle, Why is cardiac tissue unique? - it's fused together and acts as one, What is the term for rapid heartbeat? - tachycardia, What's the purpose of the conduction system? - to generate electrical impulses, Where is the AV Bundle located? - top of the septum, What is the function of the SA Node? - generate electrical stimulus to make the heart beat, Name the order of Conduction: - SA Node, AV Node, AV Bundle, Right + Left Bundle Branches, Purkinje Fibers, What do the Purkinje Fibers stimulate? - the ventricles, What's the term for the contraction of the heart? - systole, What happens when the atria contract? - blood is squeezed into the ventricles, What's the term for a recording of the electrical activity of the heart? - electrocardiogram, How many elecrodes are on a 12 Lead EKG? - 10, What is the 'cardiac cycle'? - one complete heartbeat, What segment on the EKG represents a full cardiac cycle? - PQRST, What does the T wave show? - relaxation of heart, When does the U wave appear? - after T wave if patient has low K+, When does the QR complex occur? - when ventricles contract, What is standardization? - checking voltage of the machine to see if working properly, What is a lead? - picture of the heart, What's the resting phase segment on the EKG? - polarization - baseline - no electrical activity, What instrument records electrical activity of heart? - electrocardiograph, What does the P wave show? - atrial contraction, What are leads aVL, aVF, and aVR called? - augmented leads, What are leads V1 - V6 called? - precordial leads, Which limb shows no cardiac information? - right leg, what do muscle tremors look like on EKG? - fuzzy, irregular baseline, What would cause an interrupted baseline? - dirty electrode, What's the conductive pad attached to the skin to record electrical current?? - electrode, Where is aVR placed? - right arm, Where is aVL placed? - left arm, Where is aVF placed? - left leg, When do you standardize EKG machine? - before and after EKG,

EKG Practice 1-50


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