1) What do you usually eat for breakfast ? a) I usually eat eggs,bread and jam b) I usually drink milk . 2) What is your favourite meal ? a) my favourite game is football. b) My favourite meal is pizza and burger. 3) Do you go to the restaurant with your family? a) Yes , I do. I sometimes go to the restaurant. b) I always help mum . 4) Where do you eat your lunch ? a) I do my homework b) I always have my lunch at my home with my family. 5) What time do you eat dinner? a) I usually eat my dinner at 7 o'clock . b) I usually jump. 6) What's your favourite drink ? a) My favourite friend is Sara. b) I like running. c) My favourite drink is orange juice. 7) Who cooks in your family ? a) My mother always cooks delicious food . b) I like food. 8) Do you help your mum ? a) I play computer games. b) yes ,I do . I always help my mum. 9) Can you cook ? a) No, I can't b) Yes, I can't 10) Put the correct mark ? Which one is correct . ضع علامة الترقيم المناسبة a) I always do my homework . b) I always do my homework? 11) Where do you usually go ...... a) ? b) . 12) Which one is correct ? a) i never drive a plane. b) I never drive a plane . 13) Which one is correct ? a) salma is beautiful. b) Salma is beautiful. 14) Which one is correct? a) He is a teacher .He always smart . b) He is a teacher . he always smart . 15) Which one is correct? a) i live in jordan . b) I live in Jordan . 16) Which one is correct? a) Amman is the capital city. b) amman is the capital city. 17) Which one is correct ? a) Where do you live ? b) Where do you live.


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