Substitute - Mandela replaced violence and retaliation with peace and dialogue as a means to solve the deep-rooted racial issues in South Africa. He replaced the norm of segregation with a push for integration and equality., Combine - Mandela merged various political factions and interests within South Africa to create a unified government. This included bringing together previously opposing forces such as the African National Congress and the National Party to form a coalition., Adapt - Mandela adapted traditional African leadership models, like the tribal council concept, to modern governance structures. Mandela often used his tribal leadership experience and the respect for elders in African cultures to shape his leadership style and the government’s approach to democracy., Modify - Mandela modified the existing South African legal and political frameworks to ensure equal rights for all citizens, leading to the drafting and adoption of a new, inclusive constitution., Put to another use - Mandela put sports, particularly the 1995 Rugby World Cup hosted in South Africa, to use as a tool for national unity. By supporting the traditionally white-supported South African rugby team, he helped foster a sense of pride and unity among racially diverse fans., Eliminate - Mandela worked to eliminate apartheid laws and policies, removing the legal basis for racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa., Reorganize - Mandela reversed the spiral of violence by promoting forgiveness and reconciliation instead of punishment for the atrocities committed during the apartheid era.,

SCAMPER (Nelson Mandela)


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