1) How old was Albert Instine when he died a) 76 b) 76 c) 76 d) 76 e) 76 f) 76 2) How do you beat Sarvajit in soccer a) It's impossible b) Slide tackle him c) Ask Ayden to slide tackle him d) Get Usain bolt  to slide tackle him e) tell Jhon Cena to beat him up f) Call air to hit the ball 3) What is more brutal than a lion a) dinosaur b) human c) carpet d) air e) grass f) hair 4) What is a ball a) air b) water c) grass d) soccer ball e) football f) nose 5) What is more ugly than a blobfish a) Joshuas desk b) my room c) shark d) penguins e) dinosaur f) car

Ultra mega super hard game show quiz!!!!!


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