: I. Have you ever experienced extreme weather? How does the weather change your feelings / plans? Do you always try and look at or read the weather forecast? Do you agree with John Ruskin who said: "There is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather., 2. What are your hobbies? How long have you been doing these hobbies, and how did you get started? What hobbies did you use to have, but now do not? Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?, 3. How often do you plan things? Why? What do you think of this quote: *Having no plan is a plan to fail?"Do you have any back-up plans?, 4. What do clothes tell people about our personalities? Do you ever buy used clothes? Do you have a favourite clothes shop? Do you have clothes in your closet that you've never worn? What new clothes would you like to buy if you had lots of money?, 5. How serious is the problem of pollution in Ukraine? Why is global warming happening? Do you personally do anything to improve the situation? What kind of environmental policies does Ukraine have/need?, 6. What is your favourite game ever? What games did you play as a kid? How competitive are you when it comes to games? What games are popular in your country?, 7. Do you get on well with all of your family members? Why? Is there a black sheep in your family? When do you need your family most? Is "blood thicker than water" true regarding your family?, 8. How often do you watch TV? What television programs are popular in your country? What do you think will be the future of television? If you had your own TV show, what would it be like?, 9. Concerning the production of energy, which is the most important consideration: human value or environmental risk? Which kind of energy do you support? What is your opinion of nuclear energy?, 10. How important is learning? Why? What things are you good/bad at learning? Why? What is the most difficult part of learning? Why?What would you most like to learn?, 11. What was the last movie you saw? How was it? What is your favourite movie? Why? What Ukrainian movies can you recommend to your peers? How often do you watch movies in English?, 12. Could you live in an area that could have a natural disaster at any moment? If so, which one? Why? How would you ensure your and your family's safety?, 13. What would life be like without friends? Are friends sometimes more important than family? Why? Do you agree with the expression "a friend in need is a friend in deed? How often do you quarrel with your friends?, 14. What are the pros and cons of owning a pet? Should pets wear clothes? If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?, 15. Is recycling too much of a hassle? What happens to recyclable materials after they are picked up from your house? Is it okay to send our garbage into space?, 16. Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?Who decides which clothes are fashionable? Where do you buy your clothes? Do you think clothes are a waste of money? How long does it take you to decide which clothes to wear?, 17. What comes to mind when you hear the word "family? How important is your family to you? How important are you to your family? Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends? Why?, 18.Do you worry about the natural environment? Do you think our environment is beyond repair?If the environment could speak, what would it tell us?What do you think our grandkids will think of the way we treated the environment?, 19.What makes you a good friend? Is it easy for you to make friends? Do you have any particularly close friends? Is there a difference in friendship between male friends and female friends?, 20. What is your favourite weather? What do you think of today's weather? Why do different countries have different weather? Do you worry about the world'schanging weather? Has the weather in your country changed over the past decades?,


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