If Ron eats too many Chocolate Frogs before Potions class, he might feel wheezy during Professor Snape's lecture, If Harry forgets to do his homework again, Professor McGonagall will drone on about the importance of responsibility, If Hermione fails her Transfiguration exam, she'll face severe consequences from Professor McGonagall, If Neville fell asleep in Herbology class, he would be scolded by Professor Sprout for his drowsiness, If Harry found himself in need of a cauldron during Potions class, he would borrow one from the copious collection in the supply closet, If Draco Malfoy were caught sneaking into the dungeon after hours, he would face detention with Professor Snape, If the Quidditch Cup match swept by without Gryffindor winning, Harry would feel disappointed but motivated to train harder for next year's tournament, If Ron hooked his robes on a suit of armor in the corridor, he would need to ask Nearly Headless Nick for assistance in untangling them,

HP class 2 (Conditionals)


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