I frequently use social-networking sites. - Correct!, My sister likes when it rains. - Correct!, Water doesn’t boil at 80 degrees. - Correct!, It is not snow today, we can’t make a snowman. - It is not snowing today, we can't make a snowman., The Sun doesn´t rise in the west. - Correct!, These socks smells horrible, put them into a washing machine. - These socks smell horrible, put them into a washing machine., What do your aunt usually do on Saturday morning? - What does your aunt usually do on Saturday morning?, I never go swimming at the weekend. - Correct!, My lesson finish at 2 pm. - My lesson finishes at 2 pm., Hurry up! The bus is leaving! - Correct!, He normally play Minecraft at the weekend. - He normally plays Minecraft at the weekend., Ron has ginger hair. - Correct!, What are you thinking about? - Correct!, Cats catches mice. - Cats catch mice., What time does your train arrive? - Correct!, It is late. Where you going? - It is late. Where are you going?, A) Where is John? B) He is have a shower. - A) Where is John? B) He is having a shower., Their cousin doesn´t study Geometry yet. - Correct!, My parents leave home every day at seven o´clock. - Correct!, Bob and Sally isn´t playing basketball right now. - Bob and Sally aren´t playing basketball right now., I´m loving this hamburger. - I love this hamburger., What do you usually listen to? - Correct!, I don´t remember talking to her. - Correct!, Are he cleaning his room now? - Is he cleaning his room now?, She doesn´t need anything from the supermarket. - Correct!, They don´t go home by car. - Correct!, We often practicing kickboxing. - We often practice kickboxing., Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’m preparing for tomorrow test. - Correct!, The teachers don´t want us to cheat. - Correct!, Julia don’t go to the gym because she thinks she’s fat. - Julia doesn’t go to the gym because she thinks she’s fat.,


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