1) қандайда бір нәрсені бағалау a) a matter of time b) stand out from the crowd c) do sth justice d) not mince one's words 2) біреуге әсер қалдыру a) not mince one's words b) hold one's tongue c) the gift of gab d) make an impression on sb 3) бес саусағындай білу a) know sth like the back of one's hand b) be over the moon c) back and forth d) take root 4) Қарапайым, жеңіл іс a) under one's belt b) be smooth sailing c) come to light d) spill the beans 5) назар аудару a) set eyes on b) keep all the places spinning c) spill the beans d) do sth justice 6) бақыттан басы айналу a) what's up with sb b) come to light c) make small talk d) be over the moon 7) істегеннен айту оңай a) what's up with sb b) the gift of gab c) easier said than done d) keep all the places spinning 8) акиқатқа көз жұмып қарау a) back and forth b) catch sb off guard c) look at sth through rose-tinted glasses d) know sth like the back of one's hand 9) не болды a) the eleventh hour b) make small talk c) what's up with sb d) look at sth through rose-tinted glasses 10) байқалу,табылу a) come to light b) stand out from the crowd c) the gift of gab d) think outside the box 11) шошыту,үркіту a) catch sb off guard b) keep all the places spinning c) spill the beans d) better later than never 12) түсінбестік болу a) call it a day b) at a loss for words c) what's up with sb d) easier said than done 13) айдан анық a) better later than never b) spill the beans c) stand out from the crowd d) clear as a bell 14) тіліне ие болу, артық сөйлемеу a) not mince one's words b) better later than never c) be over the moon d) hold one's tongue 15) сөйлесу, әңгімелесу a) rub shoulders with b) be smooth sailing c) make small talk d) know sth like the back of one's hand 16) біреудің сөзіне мән бермеу a) back and forth b) not mince one's words c) take root d) make an impression on sb 17) қарым-қатынас жасау a) rub shoulders with b) come to light c) clear as a bell d) what's up with sb 18) құпиясын ашу a) spill the beans b) think outside the box c) the eleventh hour d) at a loss for words 19) аулақ болу a) think outside the box b) steer clear of c) rub shoulders with d) be over the moon 20) мағынасыз сөйлеу،бос сөз айту a) the eleventh hour b) steer clear of c) easier said than done d) the gift of gab 21) өзара a) keep all the places spinning b) hold one's tongue c) back and forth d) call it a day 22) ортадан ерекшелену a) steer clear of b) be over the moon c) what's up with sb d) stand out from the crowd 23) ерекше ойлау a) think outside the box b) come to light c) be over the moon d) at a loss for words 24) қызмет тізімінде a) think outside the box b) the eleventh hour c) under one's belt d) not mince one's words 25) тепе-теңдік, балансты сақтау a) under one's belt b) keep all the places spinning c) come to light d) be over the moon 26) қалыптасу, сіңіп кету, тамыр жаю a) make an impression on sb b) think outside the box c) take root d) hold one's tongue 27) уақтыт мәселесі a) the gift of gab b) a matter of time c) take root d) under one's belt 28) ештен кеш жақсы a) catch sb off guard b) make an impression on sb c) better later than never d) rub shoulders with 29) бірдеңені толығымен аяқталды деп санау a) make small talk b) do sth justice c) call it a day d) clear as a bell 30) ең соңғы сәтте a) call it a day b) the eleventh hour c) take root d) what's up with sb


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