1) This is the bank ______ was robbed yesterday. a) that b) who c) where 2) According to police: The man______ robbed the bank had two pistols. a) which b) who c) whom 3) This is the student _______ I wrote to you about a) whom b) whose c) which 4) An actress is a woman _______ plays in films or theatre plays. a) which b) who c) where 5)  Is this the boy ______ I met yesterday? a) which b) whom c) whose 6) The mountain ____ we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in Colombia a) that b) who c) whom 7) A photocopier is a machine _____makes copies of pages. a) that b) who c) whom 8) Julie is the girl ___ likes to sing and dance. a) whom b) who c) which 9) The camera ______ has the big lens is now damaged. a) whom b) who c) that 10) Last week I bought a watch ___ was half price. a) that b) who c) whose

8Au7 Relative clauses/pronouns - who, that


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