1) How long is the speaking test? a) It's up to the examiner b) 11 to 14 minutes c) Around 30 minutes 2) How many parts are there in the speaking test? a) 1 part b) 2 parts c) 3 parts 3) Which topics are you likely to be asked about in part 1 of the speaking test? a) Work and family b) Politics and religion c) Physics and chemistry 4) In part 2 of the speaking test, you are given a topic to speak about. How long are you given to prepare before you speak? a) No time b) One minute c) Two to three minutes 5) What topic will part 3 of the speaking test focus on? a) School and hobbies b) Academic debate c) The same topic as part 2 6) How long do you have to listen to the recordings in the listening test? a) 10 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 40 minutes 7) Where do you write your final answers in the listening test? a) On the answer sheet during the last 10 minutes b) On the answer sheet while listening to the recordings c) You don't - instead, say your answer to the examiner 8) How many questions are there in the listening test? a) 20 questions b) 40 questions c) 60 questions 9) There are no multiple-choice questions in the listening test. a) True b) False 10) How many recordings do you listen to in the listening part? a) 2 recordings: one conversation, one monologue b) 3 recordings: two conversations, one monologue c) 4 recordings: two conversations, two monologues 11) How long is the reading test? a) 30 minutes b) 40 minutes c) 60 minutes 12) How many reading texts will you need to read? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 13) What topics do the reading texts focus on in the IELTS academic exam? a) Academic topics b) Everyday life topics c) Workplace topics 14) How many questions are in the reading test? a) 30 questions b) 40 questions c) 60 questions 15) Which type of question is NOT in the reading test? a) write a 150 word response b) write words or numbers in a summary table c) match the summaries to the paragraphs 16) How long is the writing test? a) 15 minutes b) 40 minutes c) 60 minutes 17) How many texts do you need to write in the writing test? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 18) How many words do you need to write for task 1 of the writing test? a) 150 b) 250 c) 750 19) What do you need to do for task 1 of the writing test? a) Describe a graph, chart, table or diagram b) Write an opinion or argumentative essay c) Write a formal letter 20) What do you need to do for task 2 of the writing test? a) Describe a graph, chart, table or diagram b) Write an opinion or argumentative essay c) Write a formal letter


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