Start at P. Say the next ten letters of the alphabet, Spell "window" backwards, Count from 1 to 21 but only say every second number (1, 3, 5,), Start at D. Say the next ten letter of the alphabet, Say to words with the letters ai in them (for example rain), Name six colours, Say "six sick sheep" five times quickly, Say how many months have 28 days, Count backwards from 23 to 17, only two words in English end with GRY. What are they?, Find an anagram of TEAM, Say "yellow lemon" five times quickly, Can you remember: what was the first question in this game?, Count backwards from 102 to 97, Find an anagram of RATS, Spell cough backwards, Say the five letters that come before W in the alphabet, Find an anagram of POST, Say how many minutes there are in two and a hald hours.


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