St. John’s Eve is a popular feast that is celebrated in many regions throughout Ireland at sunset on the 23rd of June every year. Often referred to as ‘____’, St. John’s Eve is a widespread traditional feast which is extremely popular in the west of Ireland in particular. Consisting of large fires lit throughout the countryside, each village celebrates this feast by playing music, singing, dancing, reciting poetry and prayers and playing games. This night is, and always has been rich in music and ____. During the day on the 23rd of June, when the milk ____ was at its highest and the crops were at their most advanced stage of growth, children went from house to house collecting ‘a ____ for the bonfire’. Other traditions and customs were also practiced at the lighting of the fires at this midsummer feast such as young boys leaping through the ____ of the fires from side to side to prove their bravery. Snatching a burning ____ from the fire and tossing it in the air was another popular game that was played as part of this feast. Burning weeds in the fire was believed to ____ fields and crops from failing, guaranteeing a season of healthy growth and land fertility. In the 18th century, fields were also blessed to prevent crops from harm, and inviting the oldest woman in the area to pray while circling the bonfire three times sunwise on her knees was also said to warn off ____ and pestilence. Prayers were also said by the people of the village at the bonfire to obtain God’s blessing on the crops. Scattering ashes on the fields was also a tradition thought to bring good luck to the ____ season ahead. St. John’s Eve is a feast that celebrates St. John the Baptist and has persisted the longest in ____ and Ireland. Rituals practiced were linked to farming, and homes were associated with the bonfire and religion. St. John’s Eve continues to be celebrated throughout Ireland every year at ____ on the 23rd of June.


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