Three things you had to buy last week, Three things you mustn't do in a restaurant, Three things you mustn't do in a park, Three things you have to do after class, Three things you wish you didn't have to do, Three things you don't have to do if you shop on-line, Three things you can't do in a library, Three things you had to do last week, Three things you have to take with you if you go abroad, Three things you have to do if you have a pet, Three household chores you had to do as a child, Three things you mustn't do when driving a car, Three things you mustn't do in a cinema, Three places you can't go into without paying, Three things you must do if you want to lose weight, Three things you don't have to do when you are on holiday, Three things you mustn't do in a public place, Three things you have to do every day, Three things you have to do if you want to improve your English.
Have to/must/can
15-20 years old
General English
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