1) This Angel is in charge of taking out the soul of a person at the time of deadth.  a) Angel Jibril b) Angel Mikail c) Angel Atid d) Angel Izrail 2) This Angel duty is to accompany every person and recording the good deeds a) Angel Israfil b) Angel Ridwan c) Angel Roqib d) Angel Munkar 3) This Angel duty is to accompany every person and recording the bad deeds a) Angel Jibril b) Angel Mikail c) Angel Roqib d) Angel Atid 4) The one who guards the gates of heaven a) Angel Malik b) Angel Ridwan c) Angel Israfil d) Angel Nakeer 5) The guardian of hellfire who has no mercy for the disbelievers a) Angel Mikael b) Angel RIdwan c) Angel Malik d) Angel Jibril 6) The Angel that will blow the horn on the Last Day a) Angel Izrail b) Angel Israfil c) Angel jibril d) Angel Ridwan 7) These two Angels who will question the soul in the grave a) Munkar and Nakeer b) Roqib and Atid c) Hassan and Hussin d) Malik and Rdwan 8) Angel __________ brings down the rizq (provision) and moves the rain clouds by the permission of Allah a) Mikail b) Munkar c) Malik d) Jibril 9) He brings down the wahy and conveys Allah's speech to the Prophets and Messengers a) Izrail b) Israfil c) Jibril d) Malik 10) Angels are made of ________ a) clay b) light c) fire d) water 11) Angels __________ to eat and drink a) need b) no need c) sometimes need 12) Belief in Angels is one of the Belief in  a) Iman b) Islam c) Muslim d) Mu'min

The Duties of Angels


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