exhibition - exhibit - выставка - выставлять (показывать), Literature - литература, sanDwich - сэндвич (бутерброд), jOUrnalist - журналист, due - должен, notice - замечать, get rid of - избавляться от, basement - подвал, attic - чердак, diverse - разнообразный, lawn - газон, daily - ежедневно, accompany - сопровождать, Linda enjoyed it very much when they went somewhere all together as a family. They HADN'T DONE it very often since her parents were very busy people.  - Past Perfect (предпрош), Linda could see diagrams on the screen. They WERE DRAWN in different colours, which made them look complicated. - Passive Voice (be +V3), estimate - оценка, grateful - благодарный, marriage proposal - предложение о свадьбе , sparrow - воробей, pigeon - голубь, receive = get - получать, explore - исследовать, изучать, favourite - любимый,

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