Luis Miguel is from ____ , so he's ____ and he speaks ____ . Kyllian Mbappé is from ____ , so he's French and he speaks ____ . Barack Obama is from ____ , so he's ____ and he speaks ____ . Luciano Pavarotti is from ____ , so he's ____ and he speaks Italian. Li Yan is from ____ , so she's ____ and she speaks Chinese. Adele is from ____ , so she's ____ and she speaks ____ . Arda Turan is from ____ , so he's Turkish and he speaks ____ . Jhon Paul II is from ____ , so he's ____ and he speaks Polish. The Parthenon is in ____ , so it's ____ . People speak Greek. Burj Khalifa is in ____ , so it's ____ . People in this country speak ____ . Hanoi is the capital of ____ . People in this country are Vietnamese and they speak ____ . Sushi is from ____ , so it's Japanese. People in this country speak ____ . Islamabad is the capital of ____ . People in this country are ____ and they speak ____ . Cristiano Ronaldo is from ____ , so he's ____ and he speaks Portuguese. The Niagara Falls are in ____ , so they are ____ . People here speak ____ .

ACPB - B01 - Countries, Nationalities and Languages


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