What reward did the merchant promised Alladin? - Gold, What did Magician want from the cave? - Lamp, What did Wendy request Peter Pan? - To teach her to fly, Who was the boss of the pirates? - Captain Hook, Where did Peter Pan went to stay? - Neverland, Who helped snow white to wake up from her deep sleep? - The prince, Who gave snow white the poisoned apple? - Her stepmother, How many wishes were granted to Alladin by Genie? - Three, Who is the author of the story "Peter Pan? - J.M.Barrie, How did Captain Hook died? - The crocodile ate him, Who lived in the house in woods? - Seven dwarfs, What did the wicked queen disguised as? - A hag, How was snow white? - Generous and gentle, Who is the author of the story "Snow white and the seven dwarfs"?"? - The Brothers Grimm, How many wishes did Genie grant Alladin? - Three,

Memory game (grade 2)


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