patience - the quality of being patient, photographer - (s)he takes photos, guitarist - (s)he plays the guitar, dishwasher - it washes dishes , ability - the state of being able to do something, friendship - the relationship you have with a friend, exploration - the act of exploring a place, actor - he acts in films or plays, building - the thing we make when we build, importance - the quality of being important, childhood - the period of time when you are a child, excitement - the feeling of being excited, happiness - the state of being happy, trainee - (s)he is being trained for something, division - the act of dividing something, performance - the act of performing a play, concert, etc, tin opener - the thing we open tins with, refugee - (s)he is forced to seek refuge in a new country, kindness - the quality of being kind, greatness - the state or fact of being great, arrangement - something you arrange,
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