1) David: Hey, Rachel, _________ you finish the budget report by noon? (request) a) shall b) will 2) Rachel: Sure, I’ll have it ready. ________ I include the latest sales figures? (seeking advice) a) Shall b) Will 3) David: Yes, please. And _______ we review the new marketing plan this afternoon? (suggestion) a) shall b) will 4) Rachel: Definitely. ________ we ask Mark to join us for that? (suggestion) a) Shall b) Will 5) David: Good idea. _______ you send him an invite? (request) a) Shall b) Will 6) Rachel: Of course. By the way, ________ you help me with the client presentation slides? (request) a) shall b) will 7) David: Sure thing. What _______ we focus on first? (seeking advice) a) shall b) will 8) Rachel: Let’s start with the client profiles, ______ we? And make sure to double-check the data this time.  a) shall b) will 9) David: Got it. Oh, ________ you be handling the Q&A session? (polite request) a) shall b) will 10) Rachel: Yes, I will. And you _________ prepare some potential answers just in case. (command) a) shall b) will 11) David: ________ do. (promise) a) Shall b) Will 12) David: I noticed the new office policy—employees _______ not eat at their desks anymore. (legal use) a) shall b) will 13) Rachel: Yes, I saw that. We _________ remind the team about it before lunch. (command) a) shall b) will 14) David: Agreed. Anything else you need? Rachel: Just one more thing—_________ you file these documents for me? (request) a) shall b) will 15) David: Sure, I ________ ! (polite way of offering / promise) a) shall b) will


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