1) ways of acting that are considered polite in your society or culture a) Behavior b) Appropriately c) Manners d) Interrupt  2) Not comfortable, embarrassing  a) Awkward b) Firmly c) Informal d) Respect 3) the way you act or behave a) behavior  b) awkward c) appropriately d) gesture 4) polite behavior toward someone or something you think is important  a) manners b) firmly c) respect d) custom 5) She is very independent and refuses to take from anyone a) advice b) custom c) avoid d) respect 6) There will be an reception following the lecture. a) social b) Clear c) trend d) informal 7) A movement of the hand or head to express something a) Firmly b) Behavior c) Gesture d) Respect 8) Make someone stop talking  a) Gesture b) Interrupt c) Trend d) Clear 9) One of the *customs* that you will notice when you go to Japan is that people do not wear their shoes indoors a) Idea b) Thing for sale c) Way of life d) Respect 10) It's *traditional* in some countries for the bride to wear a white dress for the wedding. In other countries the bride wears red. a) Inexpensive b) ways of doing things that have existed for a long time c) doing what others want you to do d) Cheap 11) produce a good effect or opinion a) Make a good impression b) Replying  c) Meeting  d) Awkward 12) Strong, steady way a) Lightly b) Firmly c) Heavy d) Behavior 13) Suitable or right for a particular situation  a) Typical b) Informal c) Traditional d) Appropriately 14) I want to *take part in* the meeting about the neighborhood school a) Join, participate in b) Divide up, separate c) Act in d) Avoid

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