1) One challenge facing modern Russia is a) What color the new flag is b) how land is divided up/who owns the land c) Where to vacation 2) Moscow was an important city because a) it had natural protection from invaders b) it was near the Baltic Sea c) it was near the Black Sea d) all of the above 3) Some important leaders of Early Russia were all of the following EXCEPT a) Peter the Great b) Catherine the Terrible c) Ivan IV The Terrible d) Catherine the Great 4) Peter the Great wanted to modernize Russia so he a) had men shave their beards off b) changed the way people dressed c) improved the Russian military d) all of the above 5) Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible a) was cruel and ruthless b) named himself czar of all of Russia c) probably had an untreated mental illness d) all of the above 6) The word czar means a) a certain color b) where a person lived c) emporer d) a type of shoe worn in the snow 7) The last czar of Russia was a) Catherine the Great b) Czar Nicholas c) Czar Ivan IV d) Peter the Great 8) The word abdicated means a) give away b) cling to power c) formally give up d) share 9) The Russian Revolutionaries a) revolted against Czar Nicholas b) were tired of war c) didn't want there to be more czars d) overthrew the government e) all of the above 10) The Bolsheviks took power away from a) the czar b) Russian Revolutionaries c) Vladimir Lenin d) Joseph Stalin 11) The abbreviation USSR stands for a) United States of Soviet Republic b) Untied Silver Shoelace Red c) Union of Soviet Socialist Republic 12) Vladimir Lenin was the first leader of the USSr a) True b) False 13) Joseph Stalin a) became a dictator leader of the USSR b) ruled through fear, terrorizing the population c) used "Secret Police" to spy on people d) used labor camps as prisons e) didn't allow criticism of the government f) all of the above 14) Collectivization was a policy where a) Farming was the only job b) All people had to become farmers c) all farmland & crops were owned by the government d) People were allowed to choose their jobs 15) Famine means a) widespread starvation, not enough food b) family gathering c) farmers going hungry d) enough for all 16) The Soviet Union and the United States  a) were both considered superpowers b) started to become international rivals c) had very different political beliefs d) rivalry was called the "Cold War" even though there was no fighting e) was democracy versus communism f) all of the above 17) glasnot means a) increasing political and social freedoms for citizens b) more restrictions for citizens c) change in laws 18) Mikhaill Gorbachev was a) very powerful President of Russia b) arrested and thrown in jail for being unpopular c) released from prison d) a Russian reformer e) all of the above 19) perestroika means a) breaking apart the economy b) giving more money to the economy c) a weak economy d) restructuring the economy 20) Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin have all been a) Russian leaders/President b) Russian actors c) Russian politicians 21) Who is the Russian President? a) Vladimir Putin b) Mikhail Gorbachev c) Boris Yeltsin 22) Many changes in Russia have caused a) inflation b) living conditions to remain poor c) production of goods is slow d) all of the above 23) Collective farming was the law under the Soviet Union rules. This has changed but there are still problems with a) knowing who owns the land and how it's divided up b) not enough farm equipment c) farmers don't know how to farm d) short growing seasons 24) The railroad that stretches all the way across Russia is a) The Polar Express b) The Trans-Siberian Railroad c) Burlington-Northern-Santa Fe 25) Russia is a democratic federal republic led by a president and power is divided between 3 branches of government. a) True b) False 26) Most Russians live a) East of the Ural Mountains b) In Siberia c) West of the Ural Mountains 27) Russias two largest cities are a) Siberia and Moscow b) St Petersburg and St Ivan c) Moscow and St Petersburg d) St Peterburg and St Catherine 28) Religion wasn't allowed during the Communist era a) True b) False 29) Eastern Orthodox is the most common religion a) True b) False 30) St Petersburg is known for is important because it it close to the Baltic Sea. a) True b) False 31) Moscow is important because of its Siberian climate. a) True b) False 32) Moscow is known at the a) political capital b) education capital-unofficially c) science capital-unofficially d) cultural capital-unofficially e) all of the above 33) Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Pushkin are Russian a) workers & reformers b) writers and poets c) dancers and singers 34) Russian ballet has been famous for over 300 years. a) True b) False 35) Russians have a worse quality of life since it was the USSR. a) True b) False 36) Many Russians now how time for leisure activities and sports, especially hockey, figure skating and gymnastics. a) True b) False 37) During the time of the Soviet Union, the environment a) was a priority b) was well taken care of c) was taken advantage of and is in distress d) wasn't an issue 38) Chernobyl was a a) nuclear power plant that exploded b) region that suffered much damage c) area that people still cannot live in today d) all of the above

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