1. Abate - giảm subside - degrade hạ cấp v. to become less strong, or to make something less strong, 2. Abstract - trừu tượng existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object, 3. Abysmal - adj. very bad, 4. Adversarial - đòi hỏi sự đối lập ><  involving opposition or disagreement, 5. Agitate - làm cho bối rối to argue energetically, esp. in public, in order to achi, 6. Benevolent - nhân ái kind and helpful >< malevolent hiểm ác, malevolent - hiểm ác >< Benevolent nhân ái, 7. Beguile - làm cho vui thích to charm, attract, or interest, sometimes in order to deceive, 8. Bereft - bị cướp đi having to do without something or someone and suffering from the loss, 9. Blandishments - lời nịnh hót pleasant words or actions used in order to persuade someone to do, 10. Bilk - lừa đảo, trốn nợ to get money from someone unfairly or dishonestly, 11. Cajole - tán tỉnh to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do, by p, 12. Callous - nhẫn tâm, đéo tốt unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people, 13. Calumny - vu khống a statement about someone that is not true and is intended to da, 14. Camaraderie - tình đồng chí, thân thiết a feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experi, 15. Congruity - thích hợp, phù hợp the quality of being the same as, or in agreement with, other, 16. Dearth - khan hiếm = scarcity = paucity an amount of something that is too small: a lack, scarcity - khan hiếm = dearth =paucity an amount of something that is too, paucity - khan hiếm = dearth = scarity an amount of something that is too, 17. Debauch - sa ngã, cám dỗ, tàng trữ to destroy or damage something so that it is no longer co, 18. Demagogue - kẻ mị dân, thủ lĩnh chính trị dùng lời nói kiếm sự ủng hộ, 19. Denigrate - gièm pha, chê bai to say that someone or something is not good or important, 20. Diaphanous - mịn và gần như trong suốt A diaphanous substance, especially cloth, is so delicate and thin that, 21. Eclectic - không chuyên, nhiều lựa chọn, không bị gò bó, phạm vi rộng consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc., 22. Ebullient - sôi nổi excited and enthusiastic, 23. Egregious - quá xá cực kì đại extreme; beyond any reasonable degree, 24. Embezzlement - sự biển thủ he crime of secretly taking money that is in your care or that belongs, 25. Emollient - làm dịu làm mềm a cream or liquid that makes dry or sore skin softer or less painful, 26. Flagrant - trắng trợn shocking because of being so bad and so obviousa cream or liquid that makes dry or sore skin softer or less painful, 27. Forbearance - khoan dung, chịu đưng the quality of being patient and being able to forgive someone or con, 28. Fortuitous - may mắn happening by chance, 29. Fractious - xấu tính, cau có, khó kiểm soát tending to argue, fight, or complain, and hard to control, 30. Fetter - xiềng xích to keep someone within limits or stop them from making progress, 31. Garrulous - ba hoa, lắm mồm having the habit of talking a lot, esp. about unimportant things, 32. Gourmand - người thích ăn nhiều a person who enjoys eating large amounts of food, 33. Grandiloquent - khoa trương khoác lác = bombastic = turgid , bombastic - khoa trương khoác lác = turgid = Grandiloquent, turgid - khoa trương khoác lác = Grandiloquent = bombastic, 34. Gratuitous - vô cớ not necessary; with no reasonable cause , 35. Goulash - món ăn bắt nguồn từ hung với tương rau ớt đỏ, 36. Hegemony - quyền bá chủ, làm chủ the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore, 37. Heterogeneous - không đồng nhất, hỗn tạp khác đoạn khác loại onsisting of different parts or types onsisting of different parts or types, 38. Hapless - đéo may = unlucky, 39. Hoard - tích trữ to collect a large supply of something, more than you need now, often because you thin, 40. Hokey - quá cảm xúc hay giả tạo để tin too emotional or artificial to be believed, 41. Idiosyncratic - phong cách thói quen riêng having strange or unusual habits, ways of behaving, or features, 42. Impecunious - có ít tiền having very little money, 43. Inchoate - bắt đầu, khởi đầu, chưa sắp xếp only recently or partly formed, or not completely developed or clea, 44. Incumbent - chức vụ adj. officially having the named position, 45. Intransigent - giữ vững quan điểm chính trị refusing to change your opinions or behavior, 46. Jubilant - niềm vui thắng lợi feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a, 47. Jacaranda - dạ hương , 48. Jumbotron - màn hình lớn chiếu ở svd a very large video screen like those used in sports stadiums (= large area, 49. Jabber - nói lắp to speak or say something quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, 50. Juxtapose - đặt cạnh (để so sánh) to put things that are not similar next to each other, 51. Kibosh - phá hủy, làm hỏng to spoil or destroy an idea or plan,


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