weigh - to measure how heavy smth is, volunteer - to offer to do smth without being paid, temperate - not very hot or not very cold (about climate)  , support - to give help to someone or smth, benefit (eating more vegetables will benefit your health) - be good for, rubbish - things that you throw away because you don't want them, reserve - to arrange to use smth later (a table in a restaurant), raise money - to get money to pay for smth, inspire - to make someone feel that they want to do smth, green - good for environment, global - about the whole world, exhibition - a group og interesting things in a place where people can come to see them, environment - all things that make the world around us, encourage - to help someone to feel able to do smth , elderly - old person, donate - to give (money\food\clothes etc) to help other people , damage - to break smth or make it worse, community - all people that live on one place, charity - a group of people who collect money to help others, bin bag - a plastic bag used for rubbish,

AS6 Unit 4 Vocabulary


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