trudge - (v) to walk slowly with a lot of effort, mechanism - (n) a part of a machine, or a set of parts that work together, abstract - (adj) existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object, infinitely - (adv) very or very much, complex - (adj) complicated, concrete - (adj) clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt, desperately - (adv) in a way that shows you are frightened and ready to try anything to change a situation, feverishly - (adv) very actively or with great excitement, frayed - (adj) the fabric was falling apart, brittle - (adj) easily broken, vehicle - (n) something used to transport people or goods, mischievous - (adj) slightly bad behaviour but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage, burlap - (n) fabric made from coarse fibers, stifle - (v) to (cause to) be unable to breathe because you have no air, descendant - (n) a person who is related to you and who lives after you, despicable - (adj) very unpleasant or bad, hastily - (adv) said or done in a hurry, cinematography - (n) the art and methods of using cameras in making a movie, prequel - (n) a book or film that tells about events that happened before the events in a book or film that was previously published or made, faintly - (adv) slightly or not strongly, queasily - (adv) in a way that makes you feel worried or unhappy, glibly - (adv) in a way that is confident, but is too simple and lacks careful thought, pretentious - (adj) trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are, intriguing - (adj) very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious, dreadful - (adj) causing fear, shock, or suffering, wacky - (adj) unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way, timidly - (adv) in a shy or nervous way, blandly - (adv) in a way that does not show much interest, energy, or character, brisk - (adj) quick, energetic, and active, frankly - (adv) in an honest and direct way,

Vocab List 2 smt 2 P5 ELA


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