Well, it was my mum’s birthday and Dad and I wanted to make a special breakfast for her. Mum was ____ a long, hot bath, so wewent into the kitchen ____. Dad was ____ pancakes when I ____ some milk and strawberries in the blender to make a smoothie – Mum loves smoothies. But I ____ the lid of the blender on ____. So when I turned on the blender, the strawberry smoothie went everywhere! What a ____! I felt so silly! One winter afternoon, I was ____ at home. I ____ my homework when ____ went out. The battery of my laptop was low, but we have a portable charger, so I ____ my laptop and finished my homework. Then it started getting ____ and I hate being alone in the dark. I was so happy when Mum and Dad ____ home. We didn’t watch TV or have a hot meal that evening because there was no electricity. But we had sandwiches and ____ in front of the fire and ____ stories. It was a lovely evening.

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