1) I haven't packed .......... socks. a) any b) much 2) Nick has bought ........ souvenirs. a) a lot of b) much 3) I haven't got ......... time. a) many b) much 4) Did you meet ..... people on holiday? a) much b) many 5) I only spent ...... money yesterday. a) a little b) a few 6) Let’s go for a walk. I need .......fresh air a) any b) a little 7) We were lucky to see ..... lions in the safari park. a) some b) a little 8) There is .... orange juice in the fridge. a) many b) a lot of 9) They didn’t find ........ water on the island a) any b) some 10) How _____ money have you spent on souvenirs? a) many b) much

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