1) Thank you for organizing the class reunion. I'd love to come to the event a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 2) Sure, it sounds awesome. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 3) How about a slumber party on Saturday night? a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 4) Sorry, but I'm too busy on that night. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 5) Shall we go on a picnic in the afternoon? a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 6) I can't miss this opportunity. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 7) I'm sorry, but I can't attend the event. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 8) I'd love to, but I must help my dad on Sunday. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 9) That sound fun. a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing 10) Would you like to go to the concert with me? a) offers / invitations b) accepting c) refusing

accepting-refusing-making invitation

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