Your favorite singer was in your city last month. You didn't know because you don't follow them on social media. , Your friend arrived to the airport last night. You didn't know she was coming so didn't offer to pick her up. , You made your friend a cake. She is allergic to an ingredient. You didn't know. Make a conditional, Your boss emailed you about an import report. It went into your 'spam' folder. You didn't see it. Your boss is angry. , You accidentally told your friends secret to another friend. Now the whole school knows about it. , You went to a party. The police came because it was breaking Covid-19 restrictions. You had to pay a fine. , You family are away for the weekend. You have a party. Your friend breaks a valuable ornament. , You went to sleep late. You missed your alarm and then missed your flight. , You left your job. The following week everyone got a pay rise. , You were distracted in the shop. You left your phone on the table. Now your phone is gone. .

Upper Int 3rd Conditional Questions

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