1) How can you describe a person who is called a "butter finger"? 2) What does it mean to spill the beans? Do you remember the other word instead of "beans" which means the same? 3) What sports do you find as a piece of cake? 4) Can you give an example of a profession in which you earn peanuts? 5) "Although he found out about the shocking information he was cool as ..... " 6) Give two situations in which you can be as red as beetroot. 7) Do you know anyone who is the salt of the earth? Why do you think so? 8) When you are in a bus and there are lots of people inside you are packed ....... 9) Do you remember what does it mean to "go bananas"? 10) What 2 situations at school might be to describe it as " sour grapes"? 11) Are you similar to anyone in your family? (for example your mum) or maybe you are different as chalk and .... ? 12) When something doesn't interest you, you say " It's not my ........ of .... " 13) Tom, I don't like cold at all. I prefer to sit in front of my fireplace and be warm as ....

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