1) What changes have taken place in tourism in recent times? 2) What can young people learn about life from talking to older people? 3) In what areas of life has the media had a positive influence? 4) In what areas of life has the media had a negative influence? 5) Is it always best for people to avoid conflict with others? Why (not)? 6) Do you think that people have the right priorities in life nowadays? 7) What effect do you think social networking sites have had on relationships? 8) Is it a positive thing that the popularity of mobile phones means that people are always contactable. 9) Do you think exams are the best and fairest form of assessing students? Why (not)? 10) What are the benefits of a multicultural society? 11) Some people say that tourism does more harm than good. Do you agree? 12) What should governments be doing about environmental problems? 13) What are the advantages and disadvantages of being able to work from home? 14) Do you think that too much is expected of young people nowadays? 15) Is it a good thing to be ambitious? Why (not)?

CAE part 4 speaking

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