1) Who is winning this tug of war? a) Red b) Blue c) No one 2) Is this rocket a) Slowing down b) Staying at constant speed c) Speeding up 3) Is this plane a) Speeding up b) Slowing down c) Climbing higher d) Getting Lower e) None of the above 4) Is this block moving a) Left b) Right c) Up d) Down 5) The stone used in curling travels further on ice than it would on grass because a) The man pushes it harder b) The stone is heavy c) There is less friction on ice d) There is less friction on grass 6) Which way will this block move? a) Up b) Down c) Left d) Right 7) What is the resultant force on this truck? a) 160N to the right b) 60N to the left c) 40N to the right d) 160N to the left 8) Is this skydiver a) Speeding up b) Slowing down c) Travelling at constant speed 9) The force acting against the skydiver is a) Gravity b) Weight c) Air resistance 10) When the air resistance equals his weight he will a) Stay at the same speed b) Slow down c) Speed up d) Stop

l.c. physics Forces

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