rift valley - linear valley between highlands caused by tectonic plates moving apart, desalinization - the removal of salt or other chemicals from something, such as seawater or soil, OPEC - organization of petroleum exporting countries, monotheism - belief in one God, polytheism - belief in many Gods, primary economic - activities that extract or harvest products from the earth such as raw materials and basic foods, Sinai Peninsula - peninsula that is home to the Suez Canal; connects Africa and Asia, Silk Road - historic trade route used between Eastern and Western civilizations, nomadic - involves moving around a lot, oil - important natural resource that helps generate revenue for the region, Palestine - geographic region in Western Asia usually considered to include the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Dead Sea - lowest body of water , developed - countries that are considered to have sophisticated economies and high level of infrastructures, agriculture - primary economic activity found in the N Africa/SW Asia region; dependent upon adequate water resources, Suez Canal - connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea,

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