1) A famous one string instrument is called a) Gusle b) Gitara c) Frula 2) Traditional Serbian dance is called a) disco b) kolo c) sirtaki 3) Serbian gingerbread honey heart a) Licider b) Lemon c) Lollypop 4) The most famous Serbian hero is a) Nikola Tesla b) Mihailo Pupin c) Marko Kraljevic 5) Superstition: If you sit at the corner of the table a) you will have guests b) you will get a bad mark at school c) you won't get married 6) Serbian family celebration is called a) Slava b) Zito c) Kolo 7) For slava Serbs must have a) cake and juice b) cake, zito (wheat) and a candle c) sarma and cevapcici 8) The most celebrated Serbian slava is a) Saint Nicolas b) Saint Marc c) Saint John 9) Serbian schools slava is a) St. Peter b) St. Sava c) St. Nicolas 10) Serbian alphabet is called a) Azbuka b) Abeceda c) Cursive 11) Colors on Serbian flag are from above a) red, yellow and blue b) red, white and blue c) red, blue and white 12) What do Serbs put in a Christmas bread? a) coin b) small cross c) ring 13) When do Serbs celebrate their Christmas? a) December 25th b) January 14th c) January 7th 14) The most loved Serbian food is a) sarma and cevapcici b) lazy pie c) boranija ( green beans)

Serbian Customs and Tradition


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