Why is binary used in a computer? - It is used because computers contain billions of devices called transistors, they are either on or off, i.e. they have two states just like binary!, What do we call the tables that represent all the possible inputs to a logic circuit? - Truth tables, If you have NOT(A AND B) and the inputs A=1 and B=1 what will the output be? - Logic 0, If you have A AND (A OR B) and the inputs A=1 and B=0 what will the output be? - Logic 1, If a logic circuit has 3 inputs how many unique codes are there? - 8, If a logic circuit has 5 inputs how many unique codes are there? - 32, What is 10 MOD 4 ? - 2, What is 2 EXP 4 ? - 16, What is 43 DIV 4 ? - 10, What is 12/4 ? - 3, What is 2*(12+8-3) ? - 34, What circuit does this expression implement: ? - NOT(A AND B), What circuit does this expression implement: ? - (NOT A) AND B, What circuit does this expression implement:? - (NOT A) OR B,

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