Is it better to have many friends or just a few close friends?, Which cell phone do you think is better, iPhone o Huawei? Why?, Which is more important, money or happiness?, Compare two types of foreign food. Which is more delicious? Which is cheaper?, Which is more enjoyable, going to a theme park or going to a museum? Why?, Who is more influential, politicians or celebrities?, What's the most amazing hotel you've stayed at?, What's the worst recent movie?, What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?, What's the saddest book you've ever read?, What's the most inspirational book you've ever read?, When was the most exciting period of your life?, What's the greatest TV series you've watched?, What is better, a movie or a book?, What is more fun, going to the beach or going to the mountains?, Who is the most intelligent person that you know?, Compare dogs and cats. , Compare Mexico and USA., What is the most unusual food that you have eaten?, Compare online classes and face to face classes., Does life get more complicated the older you become? Why?, What city or country do you think is the most romantic?, Where is the best place to live?, What is the scariest movie that you have seen?, What was the most important invention in history?, What is worst: : falling in love with someone and then having your heart broken, or never having met that person?, Who is the most intelligent person that you know?, Compare reggeaton and pop., Compare UAM and UNAM., Compare soccer and basketball..

Comparative and Superlative Questions

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