1) szpital a) breakfast b) hospital c) more than d) in the future 2) lekarstwo a) medicine b) medical c) at the door d) around the world 3) więcej niż a) at the door b) factory c) more than d) hospital 4) dookoła świata a) soon b) at the door c) around the world d) breakfast 5) inne rzeczy a) medicine b) in the street c) other things d) in the future 6) w drzwiach a) at the door b) in the street c) more than d) breakfast 7) rano a) more than b) medical c) in the morning d) breakfast 8) wkrótce a) in the street b) give c) at the door d) soon 9) na ulicy a) in the street b) other things c) factory d) breakfast 10) śniadanie a) breakfast b) in the morning c) space d) factory 11) medyczny a) medical b) at the door c) medicine d) factory 12) fabryka a) give b) in the morning c) more than d) factory 13) dawać a) more than b) soon c) give d) space 14) kosmos a) medical b) space c) medicine d) give 15) w przyszłości a) in the future b) breakfast c) around the world d) space

MAZE Brainy 4, unit 4. Culture: Robots (vocabulary)

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