1) He ....................... put the flashdisk in the computer first. a) must b) has to c) can 2) My sister ....................... stop eating sweets. a) must b) has to c) can 3) Children ....................... wear a helmet on bike. a) must b) have to c) can 4) I ....................... do my homework before I go out a) must b) has to c) can 5) My mother ______________ go to the post office now. a) must b) has to c) can 6) I ______________ study for the grammar test tomorrow. a) must b) have to c) can 7) Anne ________________ see a doctor because she isn’t feeling well. a) must b) has to c) can 8) Excuse me, I ________________ answer my phone. a) must b) have to c) can 9) My friend ________________ take a driving test this afternoon a) must b) has to c) can 10) Astronauts ________________ bring food and water into space. a) must b) have to c) can 11) ___________ your uncle speak Spanish? a) must b) have to c) can 12) Denise ___________ play the piano. She knows how to play it. a) must b) have to c) can 13) I already finished my work, so I ___________ go home now a) must b) have to c) can 14) ___________ you help me with my homework? a) must b) have to c) can

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