Frankenstein (Arms out in front with high knees), Squat or Squat Jumps, Jab with each fist and side-to-side body movement, Burpee or mountain climbers, Squat and front kick, Run in place, Uppercut with each fist and side-to-side body movement, Imaginary Jump Rope or Jumping jacks, Plank or Plank with shoulder taps, T push-ups, Normal Pushups (Hands are in line with your shoulders), Triangle Pushups (Pointer finger and thumb are touching), Wide arm Push-ups ( Hands are slightly wider than your shoulders), Steam Engine, Front Lunges (Step forward and alternate each leg), Side Lunges (Lunge left then right), Student Choice (Pick Any Exercise), Pick a partner Exercise (Partners Must be Boy and Girl) and Partners Pick the Exercise.

Tabata Wheel (30 secs. each exercise and 20 secs. rest with 8 rounds)

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