1) I don't want to go to the match. I'm not __ in football. a) interested b) interesting 2) The children are __ and they don't know what to do. a) bored b) boring 3) 'If you're bored, read a book!' 'I don't want to read a book. Books are __. a) boring b) bored 4) What time did you get home last night? I was very __ about you. a) worried b) worrying 5) What are you watching on TV? Is it __? a) excited b) exciting 6) 'I'm going on a safari in Africa.' ' Really? How __!' a) excited b) exciting 7) I get very __ when something goes wrong with my internet connection. a) frustrated b) frustrating 8) It's so __ when I can't remember someone's name. a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 9) Swimming can be a bit __. a) boring b) bored 10) Chocolate makes you feel happier and more __. a) relaxed b) relaxing 11) Are you __ of heights? a) frightened b) frightening 12) An evening in front of the fire with family is really __. a) relaxed b) relaxing

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