Feudalism - how land was divided in Middle ages, manor - large estate owned by lord or knight, baliliff - responsible for collecting taxes, fallow - when no crops were grown to help soil recover, commons - area used for grazing cattle , pottage - thick soup, motte - hill on which castle built on, moat - stream or ditch that surrounded castle, keep - name for castle, bailey - courtyard around the castle, portcullis - iron spikes on gate at drawbridge, tournaments - mock battles that took place, minstrels - provided music and entertainment, page - boy aged 7 training to be knight, squire - 2nd phase of training to be knight, dubbing - name of ceremony when becoming knight, charter - contract given by king to run the town, toll - Taxes paid, Fair green - area where annual fairs take place, curfew - Have to be inside at certain time, guild - organisation that looked after craftmen, apprentice - young trainee craftman, journeyman - 2nd phase of becoming a craftman, Romanesque - architecture with rounded arches, Gothic - architecture with pointed arches, chapter house - where monks have meetings, novice - trainee monk, friars - travelling monks who preached about religion, black death - disease that was caused by fleas on rats, leeching - using leeches to draw blood ,

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