Biome - a large area characterized by its vegetation, soil, climate, and wildlife., Tundra - is the coldest of all the biomes. There is very little rain or snow and the temperatures are freezing. Winters are long and summers are short. Part of the soil is frozen all year round, although the top part defrosts in summer and plants such as mosses can grow., Taiga - is a biome found between 50° and 60° north of the equator and is characterised by evergreen coniferous trees with needles instead of leaves. , Desert - are hot and dry all year round. The only things that grow are cacti and small shrubs because the soil is shallow and rocky. Animals come out at dusk when it is cooler., Savanna - is hot all year round with a long, dry season. Only grasses and shrubs grow here but it is home to lots of different types of animals such as elephants, zebras and wildebeest., Steppe - dry grassland further away from the equator., Mixed Forest - a forest that contains evergreen and deciduous trees., Evergreen - a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year., Deciduous - (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually., Mountane - areas can be very cold at night and during winter. The growing season is short and at higher levels trees will not grow., Tropical  - are hot and wet all year round. They are home to half of all the different types of plants and animals on the planet., Grassland - are areas of land that are vast and open, with grasses being the main plants. The largest grasslands are found in East Africa. Zebras, giraffes, elephants and rhinos can all be found living in grasslands., Woodlands - are habitats where the main plants found are trees, but mosses, ferns and lichen can also be found. The climate is warm and mild, with more rain falling in the winter than the summer., Arid - excessively dry specifically : having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture an arid region., Mediterranean - have dry summers and rainy winters, although in some areas rainfall may be uniform. Summers are typically hot in low-lying inland locations but can be cool near colder seas.,

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