1) What are they goint to do? a) They aren't going to film bats. b) They're going to film bats. 2) Where are they going to go? a) They aren't going to go to the alligator show. b) They're going to go to the alligator show. 3) What are they going to do? a) They aren't going to learn about alligators. b) They're going to learn about alligators. 4) What are they going to do? a) They aren't going to draw frogs. b) They're going to draw frogs. 5) Where are they going to go? a) They're going to go zoo. b) They aren't going to go zoo. 6) Where are they going to go? a) They're going to go safari park. b) They aren't going to go safari park. 7) What are they going to do? a) They aren't going to draw alligators. b) They're going to draw alligators. 8) What are they going to do? a) They aren't going to draw lizards. b) They're going to draw lizards.

Future tense - going to

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