INTRODUCTION ( BBAF): Before WW1 Mussolini was a minor public figure as editor for the socialist newspaper Avanti., Yet, by 1925 Mussolini had become the dictator of Italy and was aiming to create a totalitarian state based on his fascist ideology., Despite the importance of economic and social divisions, it was the personal appeal of Mussolini and fascist ideology that really brought the Fascists to power between 1919-1925, However, disappointment with the Paris Peace Settlement and the weaknesses of the Italian government also played important roles. Finally, there were significant mistakes made by the Fascists’ opponents that also helped Mussolini into power., CONCLUSION ( JRF- Judgment/Reason/Factors): In conclusion, while the economic and social divisions that existed in Italy between 1919 and 1925 created fertile ground for the Fascist to rise to power, it is really Mussolini’s skills and the appeal of his message that best explain his rise to power., This is because Mussolini not only had the oratory skill to appear like the providential man Italy needed to restore its pride and position in the world, but he also had the political agility to adapt his political message in order to attract support across all classes, Mussolini was also a master at reading the mood of the country. He was able to exploit the resentment created by the Paris settlement, and to exploit people’s lost confidence in the political system. He also outsmarted his opponents and took gambles that paid off., Ultimately, the post-War crises, weak government and social divisions all conspired to create the conditions for a radical alternative, but it was the Fascists’ broad appeal that meant that they became the beneficiaries.,

INTRO/CONCL JIGSAW- How important were economic and social divisions in explaining Mussolini rise to power?

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