1) My sister is ... in our family . a) more beautiful. b) the beautifuliest c) the most beautiful 2) I'm ... girl in class. a) the smartest b) smarter c) smart 3) This student is ... than I. a) intelligenter b) the most intelligent  c) more intelligent 4) He is ... in our team. a) the short b) the shorter c) the shortest 5) I've got a 5! It's ... mark! a) the goodest b) the best c) good 6) The crocodile is ... than the snake! a) the most dangerous b) more dangerous c) dangerouser 7) This book is really bad. It's ... in my life. a) worse b) the worst c) the baddest 8) The Harry Potter book is ... than the Robin Hood book. a) good b) gooder c) better 9) Dan is ... student in the class. a) the laziest b) the lazyest c) lazyer 10) This bridge is ... in our country. a) dangerous b) more dangerous c) the most dangerous

Degrees of comparison (A2)

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