1) You ... eat in class. a) must b) mustn't 2) You ... do homework. a) must b) mustn't 3) You ... walk on the roof. a) must b) mustn't 4) You ... clean your bedroom. a) must b) mustn't 5) You ... dance on the lesson. a) must b) mustn't 6) You ... feed the animals at the zoo. a) must b) mustn't 7) Philip ......................... fly to Mars on English. a) must b) mustn't 8) We ........................ help animals. a) must b) mustn't 9) Tom ...................... drive a car, he hasn't got a driving licence. a) must b) mustn't 10) We ........................ learn words on English. a) must b) mustn't 11) They ......................... talk on the lesson. a) must b) mustn't

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