1) The clown ______________ widely. a) smile b) smiles 2) Aunt May_________ dinner. a) cooks b) cook 3) They ___________ to school together. a) walk b) walks 4) The boy ___________ the door. a) kicks b) kick 5) It ____________ every morning. a) happens b) happen 6) We ______________ loudly at the joke. a) laugh b) laughs 7) The lion ________________ fiercely. a) roars b) roar 8) The eggs ____________ in the pan. a) boils b) boil 9) Mark and Mike usually ______________ the bedroom a) clean b) cleans 10) My family and I ____________ television in the living room. a) watches b) watch 11) I ________ my cousin in the weekend. a) visit b) visits 12) My father ____________ the flowers in the garden. a) plant b) plants 13) You ________ a car. a) drives b) drive 14) My dog ____________ a nap after its meal. a) take b) takes 15) Matthew ________ the doorbell once. a) ring b) rings 16) Ali and Abu __________ chess in the evening. a) play b) plays 17) Angela __________ ketchup to her eggs. a) add b) adds 18) George _____________ that I am a great friend. a) thinks b) think 19) All of us __________ to drink plenty of water. a) need b) needs 20) Water ___________ at 100'c a) boil b) boils

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