1) I can't sleep because of my neighbor who plays the guitar until 1 am. 2) My sister always takes my clothes without asking me first. 3) I got a bad mark in maths and I haven't told my parents yet because I'm afraid they'll get angry. 4) I don't have any money. 5) I waste too much time watching TV. 6) I forgot my best friend's birthday yesterday. 7) I want to make some new friends. 8) I have a headache. 9) I'm always late for class. 10) I feel stressed. 11) I never do my homework. 12) I'm bored at the weekends. 13) My friend is angry at me. 14) My friend invited me to the party but I don't want to go. 15) I have no motivation to do exercise.

Giving advice "If I were you"


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