Name 5 things that taste sweet, Name 5 things that are red, Name 5 things that are yellow, Name 5 things that start with the letter d, Name 5 things that start with the letter b, Name Name 5 things that start with the letter n, Name 5 things that start with the letter c, Name 5 things that start with the letter r, Name 5 things that are small, Name 5 things that are big, Name 5 things that are blue, Name 5 things that smell nice, Name 5 things that are shaped like a circle, Name 5 things that are shaped like a triangle, Name 5 things that shaped like a rectangle, Name 5 things that are blue, Name 5 things that start with the letter s, Name 5 things that start with the letter t.

Name 5 things ... (ice-breaker) A2

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