1) Lucy’s plane ... at 10.30 a.m. a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving d) leave e) are leaving 2) I ... to your house tomorrow a) will come b) am coming c) come d) comes e) coming 3) The train ... in London at 11.00 p.m. a) is arriving b) arrive c) will arrive d) arrives e) are arriving 4) Susan ... shopping with Ann this afternoon. a) is going b) will go c) goes d) go e) going 5) We ... our test this morning. a) are doing b) will do c) doing d) do e) is doing 6) They ... in the choir next Sunday. a) sing b) is singing c) sings d) will sing e) are singing 7) Mr. Reads ... his poems tonight. a) is reading b) Is readding c) reads d) read e) will read 8) Mum ... pizza for dinner on Sunday. a) is cooking b) will cook c) cook d) cooks e) is cookking 9) Our English lesson ... in half an hour. a) starts b) is starting c) start d) starting e) will start 10) Abbie ... you a present tomorrow evening. a) is buying b) is buing c) buy d) will buy e) buys

Present Simple & Present Continuous for Future

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