1) I _______ learn tango one day. a) will b) am going to 2) John and Liz _______ buy a new car next week. a) will b) are going to 3) Don't worry, Jane. I _______ help you with your homework. a) will b) am going to 4) My teacher thinks I _______ be a great ballerina. a) will b) am going to 5) This dress is gorgeous. I _______ buy it. a) will b) am going to 6) Stop right there or I _______ call the police. a) will b) am going to 7) I'm sure she _______ be on time for the meeting. a) will b) is going to 8) We _______ make a cake this afternoon. a) will b) are going to 9) Next summer, I _______ travel to India. a) will b) am going to 10) _______ have a party for your next birthday? a) Will you b) Are you going to 11) After lunch, Paul _______ do the shopping. a) will b) is going to 12) I don't know when he _______ be back. a) will b) is going to 13) I am sure we _______ meet again. a) will b) are going to 14) We _______ visit Japan one day. a) will b) are going to 15) She studies very hard. She _______ get excellent grades. a) will b) is going to

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